
Housing Finance – Business Plans – Spreadsheet Modelling

I provide a lot of Board Member and staff training for the National Housing Federation, and for a number of Independent Tenant Advisors – most notably Open Communities and TPAS.

I can either be employed directly, or through the above organisations. I prefer if possible to provide training customised to my client (using their own Business Plan, financial reports etc) and am able to provide training on the following:

  • An Introduction to Housing Association Finance
  • An Introduction to Council Housing Finance
    (and what is changing)
  • Business Planning/Understanding Business Plans
  • An Introduction to Treasury Management
  • Managing Risk
  • Understanding Development Finance
  • The Forward Financial and Housing Market Landscape
  • Spreadsheet Modelling

Most courses can be run on a half day or full day basis, and can be customised for Board Members, Tenants Groups and Staff.
(Spreadsheet Modelling is a one or two day course)

I also train the staff of commercial organisations who are looking to get a better understanding of how Housing Associations and Councils work, and the housing products they offer (Social renting, “Affordable” or Intermediate renting, Affordable Home Ownership etc).

I stumbled into training almost by accident, and have continued due to positive feedback from those I have trained. I am not an accountant, and am very much self taught on financial matters. This may be why I seem to be able to explain how money works to a lay audience?